Injured? Keep Exercising

PRICE stands for Protect, Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation.


For years it was the mainstay of early interventions after an injury. 

But frustrating to every runner. 

Especially the Rest part!


Lets define and maybe re-work it a bit.

Protect - ok, no sharp pain and no increase in pain after a new injury for a few days.

Rest - meh!  Don't do the aggravating thing.  Take a day off, and get back to training quickly.  You can do any other thing that is non-painful.  Swim, bike, row, mobility work, weight training.

Ice - immediately after injury can help with pain.  However, pain is often the result of swelling (see C and E)

Compression/compressive garments - helpful to minimize swelling

Elevation - get the limb higher than your heart often.  It will also help with swelling.


Happy Running!


20% slower, 2X as far


Lactate threshold