Do you know how fast you’re running?

Apple Watch, Garmin, Polar, Fitbit, Coros.....  

So much to help me measure pace, cadence, HR, distance, elevation change.....


So tough not to keep looking at it to make sure I'm getting in the right intensity. 

So tough to not let the watch kick the fun out of the run!


A fun challenge for the week.  And it helps with awareness.

  • Time yourself on a short loop.  About a mile; could be a bit more or less.

  • Here's the tough part.  Don't look at your watch again until you are finished with your run.

  • Try to run at the same pace for the rest of your run.

  • Use your watch's split feature as you finish each loop.  But no peeking!


After finishing your run (and maybe while doing your post run cool-down/mobility/stretching) see how close your times were for each loop.


Keep the watch, they're pretty cool.  


Enjoy your run -  you're pretty cool too.

Happy Running!


CrossFit for runners?


Narrow your focus