Narrow your focus

Related to "Why do I run", consider paying narrowed focus to your run.

Specifically, pay attention to some of the incremental components. 

Breathing is perhaps one of those incremental components, though this occurs even when we're not moving through space.

I'm thinking of the next step, as in the Longest journey begins with.....  It also concludes with a single step. And I can't take the last step twice, though I can continue to take the next step almost forever.

In David Goggins' book Can't Hurt Me, he describes how he proceeds through difficult situations including ultra-events by focusing on a small incremental component, in the case of an ultra-marathon that component is the next step.  Although he has a much bigger vision, he accomplishes it one step at a time.  His runs seems meditative, with the step his mantra.

Thanks for reading -Happy running!

Happy Running!


Do you know how fast you’re running?


Why do I run?